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Privacy & Safety

This is the privacy policy of We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that any information you provide us is used strictly in accordance with this policy. This policy applies to all visitors and customers of our website and mobile application. By using our platform, you accept and consent to the practices described in this policy.

We collect and store your personal information when you use our platform. This information is used to provide you with a safe, efficient, smooth, and customized experience. We use this information to display content such as recommended products that might interest you, communicate with you about your orders, new products, and latest promotional offers. This allows us to provide specific services and features that most likely meet your needs, customize our platform to make your experience safer and easier, and enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical, and other functions on our behalf.

The types of information we gather include:

  1. Information you provide us: We receive and store the information you explicitly provide to us. This includes personal information such as your user name along with your password, your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and other contact information.

  2. Information we collect automatically: We may collect information about your device and your use of our platform. This includes your IP address, browser type, operating system, and other technical information.

  3. Information we receive from third parties: We may receive information about you from third parties, such as social media platforms, advertising partners, and analytics providers.

Please note that our policy is subject to change at any time, and we may not be able to provide you prior notice. To ensure you are up to date with the policy, please review this page periodically.

Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards

- Cash On Delievery


Refund will be credited to customers in 5-7 working days

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